In English

Welcome to THE ART BY Seija Marin

I am a Finnish visual artist from Helsinki. I am a member of the Finnish Artists´ Association (Suomen Taiteilijat ry.) and The Art Association in Helsinki (Helsingin Taideyhdistys).

I have studied Vedic Art since 2014. The first exhibition I participated (with my painting ”Minä ja tasapaino” – Me and balance) was the 52nd annual art exhibition of the Finnish Artists’ Association in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki in August 2020, and I have taken part in several joint exhibitions since then.

I had my first solo exhibitions in Nastola and Helsinki in 2023. This year I have participated in my first international joint exhibitions EVA International Art Gallery in Tokyo 26.3.–31.3.2024 and Málaga 6.-18.6.2024.

Visual art is the force that literally brought me back to life after several difficult years, and it has been a crucial part of my life ever since. Creativity has always played a significant role in my life, through music and writing, and also during my long career in the business world.

My business career ended in a serious traffic accident, but after my recovery, I have dedicated my life to visual art. It can be said that the accident got my artistic juices flowing.

"Art cannot be created by force; it is guided by a creative power."

The driving force for me has always been the will to live and the courage to listen to my heart. These, combined with perseverance and determination, have helped me to move forward in life.
Art cannot be created by force; it is guided by a creative power. The artistic talent and awareness are both in me as a constant flow of energy. I have found more courage in me with the help of art, and that can be seen in the multidimensionality and colorfulness of my paintings. I paint my works of art with acrylic colors, and every painting is different and unique.

Latest news in Finnish

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Seija Marinin värikkäät teokset laittavat kesäenergiat virtaamaan Loviisassa kesäkuun aikana, ...
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EVA International Art Galleryn alkukesän näyttely järjestetään Picasso-museo CAC Mijasissa ...
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